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News — manta

Helping The Environment with POD

anemone beauty clownfish diving dolphins fashion fish Guam leggings love manta manta ray marine biology marine world Micronesia ocean creatures ocean dreams Ocean Dreams leggings ocean dreams pacific Pacific Pacific Ocean Palau Philippines photography ray scuba sea sea anemone sea turtle spinner dolphins swimming T-shirt Tim Rock Travel Yap

Helping The Environment with POD

You’ve probably heard—the fashion industry has a lot of work to do when it comes to sustainability. From reducing carbon emissions to cutting back on textile waste, there are tons of improvements to be made. Our print-on-demand (POD) products offer many solutions to these industry issues.  POD avoids overproduction and minimizes carbon footprint High-quality and eco-friendly products create less waste Production, ink, and packaging factor into sustainability Our Ocean Theme Leggings, MaxDri Shirts, Custom Masks and Neck Warmers, Rash Guards and other items are all made with POD technology and the designs celebrate the sea and it's creatures. With our...

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Shooting On the GO!! MindShift 18L Backpack!! by Tim Rock

anemone beauty clownfish diving dolphins fashion fish Guam leggings manta manta bay marine world Micronesia ocean creatures ocean dreams Ocean Dreams leggings ocean dreams pacific Pacific Ocean Philippines photography ray scuba sea sea turtle spinner dolphins T-shirt Tim Rock whale shark Yap

Shooting On the GO!! MindShift 18L Backpack!! by Tim Rock

So when I saw the new MindShift BACKLIGHT® 18L being offered from the folks at ThinkTank, I thought this could be a perfect fit.

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Manta Inspiration

diving manta manta bay manta ray Micronesia ocean dreams ocean dreams pacific photography ray scuba sea T-shirt Tim Rock Yap

Manta Inspiration

In case you wonder where we get the inspiration for some of the designs... they come from real life encounters in Mother Ocean. Our Manta Bay shirt was inspired by a magic moment. I was diving in Yap's Miil Channel and was alone at a beautiful sandy spot that holds some fan-covered coral heads that are cleaning stations. The sun was filtered by the sea and light was dancing on the sandy bottom. I was alone and hoping for a manta to swim by when an entire group appeared and paraded in front of me in the azure water column....

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